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Word popup - add parts should not inherit current state

davidhm21   July 28th, 2010 9:41p.m.


The word popup tool is great. Really great. Boy, I remember the old days of Skritter when we had to walk 6 miles to the computer lab just to use it. Kids today have no idea how sweet they have it.

I'd suggest it should not, however, that the add parts list that pops up should not inherit the current state of what one is studying. You should be able to click to add all parts, even if you are currently just drilling on tones. I generally do one type of a drill at a time. (Actually, first I set for Heisig keywords, cram my Heisig list, then turn Heisig off, move to study everything, and cycle thru each of the four drills.) I use the pop-up tool to add components of characters I am already working on, but when I do that, I can only add the part/drill that I am working on.


scott   July 31st, 2010 3:13p.m.

Hmm, the one problem I see with that is that it may confuse people. Being able to add parts that are not enabled I think suggests that you'll study them if you add them, but that's not the case (unless you turn on that part again). If someone tries to add the tone for study but then it doesn't show up for study, it can seem weird.

Maybe it could say in the table when it's added that it won't be studied since that part is turned off, or show a message when it's added. Or there could be a button or link expand the table to show the hidden rows. Want to make sure that the interface stays simple. It's tough!

Glad you like the new word popup!

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