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suggestion for the Scratchpad

Bohan   September 13th, 2010 12:50a.m.

Although I've been using the scratchpad less recently, I still do use it. There's something that I'd like to suggest. The bottom of the page, under where it says "Shuffle" , there's the pinyin for each of the words in the list. My suggestion is to either get rid of that and here is why: when we study lists with "hidden pinyin" in the settings, the pinyin that is shown on the bottom sort of ruins that. What I've been doing up to now is scrolling the page in a way that doesn't let me see those at all, but the problem is that I sometimes accidently see, and the only way to make sure I'm not cheating is to shuffle, but in order to click shuffle I'm still exposed to all those pinyin words.

In short: it would be great if the individual pinyins for the words weren't on displayed, or if we can do something so they're hidden

nick   September 13th, 2010 7:16a.m.

So how would you make use of the river control if the words didn't have some sort of label? It seems like you might as well get rid of the whole thing, which you can do in a couple clicks in your browser if you want to see what it would be like. You could also shorten your window so you don't see it.

Bohan   September 13th, 2010 7:58a.m.

Hi Nick,
First off, I've never known what the purpose of the River Control is. Is it to pick and choose which words from within a list to practice while on Scratchpad? If so, then it doesn't really serve an important purpose and is actually more troublesome than helpful.

I've shortened my window before so as to not see the River Control , because then I would be able to see the Pinyin of the characters that are coming up, and sometimes I prefer to study without looking at the Pinyin (using the Hide Pinyin feature).

The way I see it is, the important parts of Scratchpad are: being able to shuffle, and knowing how far along you are in a list (i.e. 4 of 38) . I've never been able to think of a reason to use the River Control

Bohan   September 13th, 2010 8:03a.m.

FORGOT TO MENTION in the second paragraph:

Currently, there's no way to click on shuffle without being able to see the River Control. What I've been doing up to now is using my hand to block the River Control, then clicking on Shuffle, and then adjusting the window, and doing all of this everytime just to avoid seeing the River Control is kind of annoying.

Is there anything that can be done about this? If you guys don't want to get rid of the River Control, perhaps you change the position of the Shuffle button to the top or side of the Skritter drawing grid

Bohan   September 13th, 2010 8:37a.m.

Also, another thing: when I adjust my window so that I can't see the River Control, that means that I am also unable to view how far along I am in the list I'm studying because the thing that shows "1 of 36" or whatever the numbers happen to be will also be blocked from view.

nick   September 13th, 2010 3:53p.m.

Yes, the river control is for manipulating the words that you're doing on the same page rather than having to go back to the practice nav page to rearrange stuff, add, and delete stuff.

I'll just add some special code so that it doesn't show the pinyin in the river bubbles for your account.

Bohan   September 13th, 2010 5:47p.m.

Thanks a lot Nick!

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