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Question about grading words.

SpokeLee   February 9th, 2011 11:23a.m.

If I don't remember a word I will hit show on the first character and usually once I see the first character I remember the rest. Now I will mark the first character wrong. But a lot of the time I know the character I marked wrong, but just didn't remember that it was the first character in the word.

Sometimes I will do the same thing if I can't remember the first and second character but remember the last, so I'll mark the first two wrong, even if I know the characters themselves, because I didn't know that they were the first two in the word.

But now that I know the system a little more I'm not sure if this is such a good thing. I mean if I marked the character correct because I know it individually maybe that might not be the best time whether or not to make a judgment on if I would have got it by itself since I just saw it and that could color my perception, so I see that as a problem with marking the character right but the entire word wrong. Has this hurt me? Or is it okay?

jww1066   February 9th, 2011 12:24p.m.

If I know the character, but don't know WHICH character to put in the word, I mark the word wrong and the character right. You can do this by clicking on the little icon next to the word on the top right.

Theoretically this should bring the word up for review sooner but not interfere with the schedules for reviewing the individual characters (I think).


SpokeLee   February 9th, 2011 12:42p.m.

Either way I always make sure that the entire word is marked wrong, it's just if I couldn't remember the first one in the sequence I mark each one guy forgot wrong even if I know it by itself, because I didn't know it in the context of the word. I've been doing this since I started and I am wondering messed the SRS all up.

jww1066   February 9th, 2011 1:12p.m.

Maybe the Skritter gods should comment, but my guess is that the worst that would happen is that the individual characters would come up more quickly than they should have, but if you get them right they'll get rescheduled out into the future. So the only danger is that you might be wasting a little time over-practicing those characters.

nick   February 9th, 2011 1:15p.m.

James has it. It's not going to be a big deal either way. If you like fussing with the grading buttons, you can make it so you see the individual characters a little less when you don't need to. If you don't, then don't worry about it; you'll often see the word again first anyway. I'm planning on eventually adding code to figure out when it's probably a forgot-which-character-in-word thing automatically, but don't have that yet.

SpokeLee   February 9th, 2011 2:52p.m.

All right then, as long as I didn't really mess anything up it's no big deal. I was wondering if there are any keyboard shortcuts to grade the entire word?

jww1066   February 9th, 2011 3:08p.m.

I wish there were... I think it's on Nick's to-do list.

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