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Few Questions

贺知宝   July 26th, 2010 11:37p.m.

1. I currently have many random lists that I made quickly to study. I would like to compile them all into one large list with many sections. What is the best way to do this without messing up the algorithm?

2. What is the best way to study tones without messing up the algorithm?

3. Is the information that Skritter has about my character progress based on the lists that I have completed or is it tied directly to my account. i.e. If I deleted all of my lists and then added a list that had words that I have already studied, would Skritter recognize those words as ones that I already know?



jww1066   July 26th, 2010 11:58p.m.

1. You could copy their contents and paste them into a new list with multiple sections.
2. Not sure what you're worried about. If you just turn tones on, they'll be enabled for all new characters you add. If you want to enable tones for characters you've already added, restart all the lists you've studied and go through them again to add the tones.
3. It remembers which list you added it from, but otherwise it tracks the progress based on the word. So the answer to your question is "yes".

贺知宝   July 27th, 2010 11:26a.m.

Sorry, I worded question 2 incorrectly. What I meant was "what is the best way to study ONLY tones without messing up the algorithm."


scott   July 27th, 2010 12:25p.m.

Yep, James is correct. Exporting and pasting the exported words back into the list editor is the fastest way to move vocabs around between lists. And you don't have to worry about losing all your progress on words; progress is not tied to lists really at all.

As for studying only tones, that's a little tricky right now. Basically you can set your parts to study tones only, but make sure you don't add anything from your lists while you're studying tones only. Pause all your lists and don't add anything to your queue (from your queue is okay) while you have only tones selected.

People have been asking to do this for a while though so it's becoming higher and higher priority to change how words are added from lists so that it doesn't matter if you turn parts on or off.

贺知宝   July 29th, 2010 11:22a.m.

When I export, it exports the characters with the pinyin and definition all on the same line, making it difficult to copy and paste. Is there a way to export just the characters?


Byzanti   July 29th, 2010 3:10p.m.

Stick it into a spreadsheet program and copy and paste the characters out from there.

贺知宝   July 30th, 2010 2:07a.m.

good idea, worked perfectly


贺知宝   July 30th, 2010 2:44a.m.

Hmmm... I am noticing something odd now.

The list that I exported has 1195 lines in excel (i.e. 1195 words). My progress page, however, says that I have added only 1085 words. I have the time period set for long enough and all words have been added.

Any ideas?

Thomas   July 30th, 2010 5:10a.m.

Do you have some single characters in your export? Single characters aren't counted as words, only as characters.

贺知宝   July 30th, 2010 12:40p.m.

Oh really? I thought that each entry was a "word." If that is the case then problem solved.


scott   July 31st, 2010 2:49p.m.

That, and take the progress stats with a grain of salt. They're calculated as you go, and will get off from time to time. I'll try to work on improving the accuracy later on, but for now there's kind of a margin of error.

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